Character Ed Program Fosters Browning’s Mission

According to our mission statement, The Browning School “fosters growth of courageous and compassionate men of intellect and integrity who aspire to contribute meaningfully to our world.” Our new character education program allows us to live this in an intentional way throughout the school’s curriculum and activities.

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Freshman Island School Trip Promotes Service Learning

The Form III boys spent this week at the Island School in the Bahamas conducting marine ecology research and participating in service projects by working with local schools and assisting in beach clean-up efforts. This experience helps the boys develop the global perspective needed for success in today's interconnected world.

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Browning's 25th Anniversary College Trip

Each fall for the last 25 years, Forms V and VI students visit six to eight campuses in order to experience and learn about different types of colleges and universities. This year our boys visited Vassar College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Boston College, Boston University, Harvard University, Tufts University, Amherst College and University of Massachusetts Amherst. Click here to view photos.

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Lower School Boys Learn More About NYC “First Responders”

The September 14 Lower School assembly was an exciting one for the boys. Three guests representing the “first responders” who serve the city – police officers, firefighters and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) – were on hand to discuss their careers and present a wealth of information on exactly what each does. With “character” an essential component of a Browning education, these speakers exemplified the ways in which this trait emerges through the work they do in the community. Occurring just days after the anniversary of 9-11, the assembly emphasized the importance of our first responders and the daily risks they take to save the lives of others. Read more.

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Browning’s 130th Year Begins with Opening Assembly

As is tradition, the entire school community, including faculty, staff and Browning boys in Grade One through Form VI, assembled in Christ Church for Opening Assembly on September 5. This year a new tradition began with each Form VI boy and each first grader entering the church together in groups of two to take their seats. Read more.

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Browning Class of 2018 Receives Diplomas

The Class of 2018 received their diplomas during graduation exercises on June 13 at Christ Church with families and the entire school community present to celebrate their success. Head of School John M. Botti, President of the Board of Trustees Valda M. Witt, and Head of Upper School James E. Reynolds presided over the awarding of the diplomas. Click here to read details as well as view video and photos.

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Lower School Closing “Puts a Little Love in Our Hearts!”

Lower School boys celebrated the closing of their school year at Christ Church on June 8, beginning with a performance of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” by the Strings of Spring Orchestra comprised of Lower School musicians on violin, cello and guitar. Assistant Head of School and Head of Lower School Laurie Gruhn welcomed attendees, congratulated the boys on their accomplishments, and wished them a great summer, while Head of School John Botti offered his thanks to community members and all those involved in the closing for a job well done. Read more.

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Month of May Showcases Musicians, Actors and Artists

The month of May featured a host of fine and performing arts events here at Browning. Musical performances, the Kindergarten, Grade Two and Encore plays, as well as the Grade Four embroidery exhibit made for a very merry month! Click here to view photos and recaps of musical events, three plays and the embroidery exhibit.

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