Athletes and Thespians Prepare Early for Fall Seasons
George Grimbilas ’18, co-captain of the varsity soccer team, provides the following report on Browning’s preseason sports camp at Mah-Kee-Nac in Lenox, Mass: The incoming fall athletes culminated their summer with a bang. Though last year’s graduating class members were important to Browning athletic teams, the young talent and new blood seem promising. Lingering questions about how the fall teams would shape up were answered during preseason camp at Mah-Kee-Nac. Soccer training and cross country fitness allowed athletes to warm up muscles and hone skills.
This upcoming season, Coach Bernard’s cross country team looks to perfect technique and run with high standards. Director of Athletics Andrew West ’92 said, “ It’s always great to see the new boys mesh so seamlessly with the returning boys. It’s a true testament of how welcoming our guys are. This camp always provides the boys with some much needed training to get a head start on the competition. I must say, it’s also a great way for the coaches to get an extra look at what they have to work on for the coming seasons. I was really proud of the way our boys and coaches worked so hard! Both teams seem ready to meet competition on the fields this fall.”
Middle School boys also returned early to Browning to participate in the second annual Shakespeare Camp. Faculty members Sarah Murphy and Adam Giordano worked with the boys, as well as girls from Brearley School, for four days of theatre games and activities. The time spent together was also in preparation for "As You Like It," the Middle School's annual Shakespeare production to be performed this year on November 15, 16 and 17. Ms. Murphy reported, "I'm thrilled that we're also bringing in several visiting artists to lead master classes and workshops in directing, scene work, vocal warm ups, improv and stage combat.”