Model UN Delegates Represent Republic of Yemen
History Department Chair Dr. Gerald Protheroe reports on the recent Model UN experience; he has been faculty advisor for this trip for 20 consecutive years.
"Our Upper School Model UN delegates spent four full days of spirited debate in Philadelphia at the Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC XXXIII). The competition was severe with 3,000 students from all over the USA as well as Colombia, Venezuela and China in attendance. The boys performed strongly in an exceedingly competitive conference. Our delegation representing the Republic of Yemen gave it their best effort. One of our Form V boys gained a Verbal Commendation as Bai Chongsi on the Joint Crisis Committee on the Guomindang, the Chinese Nationalist party.”
Dr. Protheroe added, "It was good to see that the Model UN experience clearly had a salutary effect on our most recent graduates. Young alumni Awen Abattu ’16 and Aadir Khan '15 were now to be found on the other side of the dais as part of the ILMUNC Secretariat, i.e., those who are judging and conducting the various committee proceedings that the delegates participate in. It was also good that another alumnus at Penn, Diego Lopez-Liranzo '15, who was a member of our Model UN delegation for four years, joined us for dinner at the Imperial Inn in Philadelphia on Saturday night to share his college experiences."