2015 Form I/II Baseball

The 7-8 baseball team is filled with talent. From a strong pitching rotation to a solid rally hitting lineup, the Panthers are currently 7-2 and on their way to capping off an impressive season. Team captain Eric Pena has had stellar performances on the mound with four wins and no losses, along with Will Eun pitching like an ace throughout the season. Gabe Flicker provides power in the lineup, while Jesse Starr bats in front of him with one of the best on-base percentages in the league. Excellent defensive play has been the calling card of these Panthers. Whether it’s Zack Brown making diving catches in center, or Wes Bauer robbing hitters of singles up the middle, the team as a whole took away opponents’ opportunities to score by playing together and communicating. Jacob Kibel stole bases with ease, utilizing excellent speed and tenacity on the base paths and providing much needed runs in crucial moments late in games. With a combination of great talent and terrific fundamental play in these 7th-8th graders, it’s safe to say Browning has a bright future with its baseball program. –Coaches Wolf & McKenna

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