2013 Middle School Cross Country

This fall, for the first time in its long history, The Browning School fielded a Middle School cross country team. The students themselves had pressed for its creation and responded in strong numbers when the call for runners went out. Calling themselves the Panther Prowlers, nearly a dozen boys from both Forms I and II met twice a week for endurance and strength-building runs in Central Park. Each Thursday of the six-week season, they traveled to Van Cortlandt Park to compete not only against other independent middle schools, but also against themselves and their own individual times in a 1.5 mile race. Those new to the discipline were surprised how noticeably their efforts improved with practice and applied focus. The more experienced runners also improved and gained a better understanding of the demands of the sport. All our sports teams will be much the stronger for the early start these young men have made with cross country.

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