Class of 2000 Distinguished Speaker Series Features Steven Eisman

On October 26, the Alumni Association featured Steven Eisman P ’18 at this year’s Class of 2000 Distinguished Speaker Series. Nearly 150 guests returned to Browning for this special event.

Mr. Eisman is best known for shorting subprime mortgages during the recent housing market. He is currently a managing director at Neuberger Berman in New York, overseeing the Eisman Group within the firm’s private asset management division. In the 2015 film "The Big Short," Steve Carell's character was based on Mr. Eisman.

Mr. Eisman was generous with his time, spending the first half hour of the evening with alumni donors for an informal roundtable discussion in the Wilson Room. The conversation included topics ranging from the economy, government regulation, the current political climate, Brexit and more. He also spent time with a Form IV student who is doing an independent study on the housing crisis.

After the roundtable, the group moved to the Kurani Gym where they were joined by more alumni, parents, trustees and faculty. Mr. Eisman’s keynote address, “Reflections on the Financial Crisis: Then and Now,” was a fascinating account as to how and why the crisis happened, and where things currently stand today. Mr. Eisman was candid in his observations and opinions, which brought many laughs to the audience and also prompted a number of thoughtful questions. A reception for all guests followed in the lobby and library.

Browning's Alumni Association is most grateful to Mr. Eisman for sharing his time, wisdom and insights with our community. Special thanks is also due to the Class of 2000 for their leadership with this special event.
