2015 Form VI Breakfast

On Wednesday, April 22, Headmaster Clement and Alumni Association President Michael Beys '89 hosted Browning's Class of 2015 at the annual Form VI Alumni Association Breakfast. Each year at this event, the senior class is formally inducted into Browning's Alumni Association and presented with engraved money clips to commemorate their upcoming graduation. Attendees and speakers at this breakfast included: Alumni Association President Michael Beys '89, Trustee and Former Alumni Association President Jeffrey Landes '83, Director of College Guidance Sandy Pelz '71, Director of Athletics Andrew West '92, Director of Communications Design Jeremy Katz '04, Headmaster Clement, Director of Alumni Affairs Laura Lanigan, Director of Institutional Advancement James Simon and Head of Upper School James Reynolds. The Alumni Association is looking forward to having these 25 new members join its ranks in June!
